Monday, July 4, 2011

Bear Aware

Saw my first Grizzly Bear today! Thankfully it was from the safety of being just outside of the car. Kevin, Grace and I met up with some friends to go climbing (I was in charge of entertaining the kids while they climbed) yesterday and before we got going we heard a rustling on the other side of the road. A bear! It was about 100 meters away - and we were right beside our vehicles so we weren't all that worried - just jazzed that there was a bear. Unfortunately, I missed it as it stood up on its back feet to get a better look at us (not in a threatening way, more of in a curious way) because I was scrounging around for the camera. Soon, I gave up on the camera because I just wanted to get a peek. The bear moved closer to the cars, at one point she was just across the road - that's when I got a glimpse of her silky humpback shoulder and shaggy cinnamon back as she strode further into the trees. Amazing! I say "she" because our friend has a friend who works for Parks who told him there is a Grizzly mother and her 3 cubs roaming around that area. Also, this bear wasn't that big - but she sure was beautiful! So - regretably there isn't a good photo - you'll just have to take my word for it!

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